We dream about Slovakia paying honour to life. We dream about country where goodness, generous esteem, understanding and righteousness take their place. A place where life and dignity of every human being is protected from its very beginning to ist natural end. Where solidarity dominates and help is given to the most miserable, vulnerable or innocent.
Dream the dream with us and come to National March for Life to say YES to life protection. Help us change Slovakia to pay respect to life.
Goal of our National March for Life is to reach social legislation for life protection from the conception to the natural death of every human.
The mission of March is to spread the desire and demand of life protection of every person overtly all around Slovakia.
Let´s march in honour of 1,4 million unborn children who died due to abortion law existing in Slovakia from 1957 to 2017.
The first National March for Life took place in 2013 in Košice, second one in 2015 in Bratislava, the third one in 2019 in Bratislava. All three were ones of the biggest public meetings being organised after 1989. All in all there were over 200 thousands participants.